Team practice rentals & individual cage rentals.

Rental Information
We provide team practice rentals. This gives your team a 1.5 hour practice session. This includes 45 minutes on the turf + 2 pitching mounds. You’ll also have access to 2 cages for 45 minutes. We also provide individual cage rentals. Call for rates.
24 Hr Cancellation Policy
Please be advised there is a 24hr cancellation policy in place for BC Athletics. Due to a full schedule, BC Athletics requests 24r cancellation notice. We Understand that life happens and schedules change, but please try to provide a cancellation notice within 24 hours of your scheduled lesson or team practice. Otherwise, you will be charged. With a short notice cancellation we are unable to fill your spot. Thank you for your time and consideration of this policy and please let us know if you have any questions. We want to thank you for your time and trust in BC Athletics with your athletes and look forward to the next training session.